Women Who Reign: Monika Para

Reinvented Magazine
5 min readMar 25, 2019

“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” — Elon Musk

Meet Monika Para! She’s been recognized by several organizations for her accomplishments, but she had a tough start in life. Learn more about this inspirational young woman!
🏆 2018 NCWIT Certificate of Distinction
🏆2018 Kode With Klossy Scholarship
🏆2019 Stanford University She++ #include Fellow
🏆2019 NCWIT Northern Illinois Winner

Tell us about yourself along with a fun fact!
My name is Monica Para and I am a senior at Amos Alonzo Stagg High School in Illinois. Like any typical teenager, my hobbies consist of binge watching The Office, running, reading fan fiction and making memes. You’ll most likely spot me at the nearest Bobba Tea Shop (I have to spill some tea here — I LOVE bobba tea).

I am heavily involved in my school community which I am the Co-Founder for both Science National Honor Society and Girls Who Code, Secretary for a volunteering club, and a 2 year Track athlete while being selected as one of 20 students in my school to partake in my school…



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